Partnerships are the foundation of the HarvestPlus approach to scaling up biofortification globally. We collaborate with thousands of partners in multiple sectors around the world who share our goal of improving the nutrition, health, and livelihoods of vulnerable rural and urban communities.
Our global and country teams are available to discuss how biofortification can give your business a competitive advantage.
We engage and empower partners through the exchange of knowledge, expertise, scientific evidence, technical assistance, marketing, and capacity strengthening. Hear from one of our food business partners in Nigeria:
Examples of Partnerships, from Seed to Plate:

Food Business: Shais Foods, Zambia
Shais Foods CEO Miriam Chipulu started working with HarvestPlus in 2016 to procure and blend vitamin A maize in her company’s popular Full Pack Cereal Blend. She now sources her maize from hundreds of smallholder farmers that she trains with support from HarvestPlus.

Seed Business: JK Agri Genetics, India
JK Agri Genetics is a seed company that works with HarvestPlus and ICRISAT in India to adapt and commercialize the Dhanashakti variety of iron pearl millet and the BHU-31 zinc wheat variety. Since 2017, the BHU-31 seed variety has reached over 25,000 farmers and the Dhanashakti iron pearl millet has reached 70,000 farmers.

Crop Research and Development: The Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
More than one third of Bangladeshi children are zinc-deficient. Since 2004, HarvestPlus has been working with the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to develop zinc-biofortified rice varieties. BRRI released the world’s first variety, BRRI dhan62, in 2013; so far, nine varieties have been released. In 2020, nearly 470,000 farming families in Bangladesh were growing zinc rice.

Nutrition Research: Expert Consultative Group on Zinc and NCDs
HarvestPlus worked with a global consultative group of nutrition, public health, and plant sciences experts to consider scientific evidence indicating that zinc-biofortified foods might help reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, in addition to improving nutrition. The group endorsed further research on this “double duty” for zinc biofortification, with the next step likely to be a randomized controlled trial.

National Policy: National Biofortification Technical Working Group, Uganda
The National Biofortification Technical Working Group launched in 2019 with public, private, NGO, and academic stakeholder members. The group, led by the Ministry of Agriculture, provides technical advice, supports development of enabling frameworks, strengthens capacity, and acts as a platform for advocacy on all aspects of scaling up biofortification. HarvestPlus played a key role in launching the Group.

Multilateral Policy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
HarvestPlus and the FAO produced a joint brief on biofortification summarizing research evidence and implementation lessons learned on how biofortification can contribute to improved food systems and public health for all. The FAO has distributed the brief to all staff to encourage adoption and scaling up of biofortification through policies and programs of FAO’s national partners.

Reaching the Most Vulnerable: World Vision Canada
Through the Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Africa and Asia (ENRICH) program and other collaborations, HarvestPlus brings its expertise in the development and delivery of biofortified crops, while World Vision leverages its deep experience in engaging the most vulnerable rural farming communities and helping improve their health and livelihood opportunities. This is an example of how we join forces with NGOs to reach the most vulnerable communities.

Technology Innovation: Precision Development
In Pakistan, HarvestPlus partnered with Precision Development (PxD, formerly Precision Agriculture for Development) to reach farmers through PAD’s mobile platform. The partners promote zinc-biofortified wheat to about 100,000 farmers through text messages about zinc deficiency and its effects; the agronomic, nutritional, and commercial benefits of zinc wheat; and post-harvest market intelligence.

Global Partners List
See the broad range of organizations, agencies, and governments who are actively working with HarvestPlus to ensure that biofortified crops are as widely available and impactful as possible.
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