After the harvest of 2017, a young female farmer, Mrs Nsamwa Muyawala of Madzimoyo village in Eastern Province of Zambia, became the first ever farmer to come back to HarvestPlus offices with a 50kg bag of orange maize grain as a gift to say “Thank you, HarvestPlus, my family loves eating orange maize. It tastes better than white maize and provides the promise of a better health”. Mrs. Muyawala received the free promotional seed pack of 10kg through her husband Mr. Steve Cole who works in Lusaka city. She harvested 1.8mt of orange maize grain. The maize will be enough to feed her family of 8 for a whole year and bring in cash in excess of $200.
HarvestPlus Zambia issues out promotional seed packs of orange maize every planting season, to thousands of farmers across the country. The objective is to expose farmers to the newly introduced crop and to stimulate adoption of the more nutritious orange maize that contrasts with the popular less nutritious white maize.