The author is a Communications Analyst with HarvestPlus-Latin America and Caribbean
It is a story of firsts for Ximena Andrade, a seasoned farmer in Colombia’s southern province of Nariño.
Recently, Ximena harvested iron beans for the very first time. She and her family especially like the yields and taste of the biofortified beans.
Ximena was also able to sell some of her harvests in a shop that her farmers’ cooperative created—another first. The “biotienda,” as such shops are popularly known, gives farmers more control over their produce and proceeds. It allows consumers to get fresh produce and farmers to make quick and direct earnings. The World Food Program is supporting farmers to establish these shops.
Enjoy the video on Ximena below, and stay tuned for a follow-up video focusing on the biotienda project. For more on our work in Latin America and the Caribbean, click here.