David Governey is an internationally experienced financial and operations professional and chartered accountant.
David is no stranger to the CGIAR global agriculture research partnership, having served as director of finance and administration at the International Food Policy Research Institute (2001–2014), director of finance and chief operating officer at the International Water Management Institute (1996–2001) and director of finance at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1989–1996). From 2007 to 2014, David served as a director of the Association of International Agricultural Research Centers. Previously, David worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dublin as a senior manager and with Peat Marwick Mitchell in Zambia.
Since December 2014, David has consulted on corporate governance and risk management for international organizations headquartered in Switzerland, Kenya and the Philippines. He serves on the boards of Partner Africa, Gorta-Self Help Africa (where he chairs the audit and risk committee), and Africa Rice (as a member of the audit committee).