The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to instantaneously share information, reach end users and collect data is growing in popularity. In the agricultural sector, ICTs have been identified as being among the most effective drivers of growth and transformation in developing countries.
HarvestPlus, in partnership with Farm Radio International (FRI) and TRAC FM, has launched a radio drama to educate Ugandans on vitamin A deficiency and the benefits of orange sweet potato (OSP). Feedback from listeners via SMS provides HarvestPlus with valuable data and insight on consumer preferences such as whether or not people grow, have tried, or like OSP. This data allows HarvestPlus to better understand factors that affect people’s choice to plant, eat, and spread the word on OSP.
On November 4-8, 2013, the international conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture (ICT4AG) will take place in Kigali, Rwanda. Being the first of its kind, the conference will be a milestone in promoting the use of ICTs within the agricultural sector as well as an opportunity for practitioners to come together to share experiences and lessons learned.
On Monday, November 4 at 9:30 a.m., Wouter Dikjstra, founder and director of TRAC FM, will present the use of ICTs to promote OSP in Uganda. For more about the program and how it is being used to engage users on the benefits of OSP, download the flyer below. This flyer will also be available at Dikjstra’s presentation and the IFPRI booth.