SecureNutrition has launched a contest to showcase projects from around the world that have bridged gaps between agriculture, food security, and nutrition. HarvestPlus is a member of SecureNutrition.
The Harvesting Nutrition contest aims to answer questions in the following areas:
• What field-based examples of the linkages between agriculture, food security and nutrition are currently being tested?
• What has been done operationally to bring agriculture, food security, and nutrition programs and policies closer for improved outcomes?
• What are the principal challenges of integrating a nutrition sensitive approach in adjustments to agriculture and food security programs and activities in each of these sectors, and how were they overcome?
To encourage a wide cross section of program experiences, Harvesting Nutrition will offer three awards of $5000 each and a multimedia documentation of the winners in each of three categories: Most Scalable Approach, Greatest Impact on Nutrition, and Most Innovative Approach. The multimedia documentation will involve creating three separate “video portraits” of the winning projects.
After the contest is over, submissions will create a database of projects that allows practitioners and policymakers to access information about the design, implementation, impact, and lessons learned of projects aiming to improve linkages between nutrition, agriculture and food security. The database will combine standard descriptive information about projects with multimedia features such as videos, pictures, and interviews with program managers and participants where available. The database will remain available on SecureNutrition’s website and can also be shared with partner websites.
Submissions will be accepted from June 8, 2013, through September 15th, 2013. A judging panel will review submissions for the awards and prizes will be announced in November of 2013. The multimedia documentation of award-winning projects/programs/investments will take place in October of 2013.