HarvestPlus experts are available for interviews and questions on all aspects of biofortification:

Biofortified crop research and development
• Nutrition and impact research
• Seed production and distribution
• Farmer engagement
• Value addition (milling, processing, food products)
• Consumer- and farmer-focused marketing
• National, regional, and global policy engagement
• Market regulations and standards
• Gender-inclusive agriculture development

Media contact:

Peter Goldstein, Head of Strategic Communications

HarvestPlus and Biofortification in the Media

In South Kivu, DRC: HaverstPlus educates pygmy and vulnerable women on biofortified crops for their empowerment

Pygmy women from the territory of Kabare and Kalehe in South Kivu, as well as those living with vulnerability, were sensitized by the HarvestPlus program on biofortified crops as a means of empowering them, in the context of the fight against food insecurity .

Pelum Aribasala

Nigerian CEO Sells Nutritious Foods to Low-Income Consumers

Pelumi Aribasala, CEO and co-Founder of Cato Foods in Nigeria, tells How We Made It In Africa about getting his biofortified-foods business off the ground, growing demand for such products, and challenges faced by an SME in Nigeria.

Biofortification: Better Beans and Sweet Potatoes to Combat Malnutrition in Uganda

Story on U.S. Feed the Future website describes how biofortified crops are empowering smallholder farmers in Uganda

Zinc Rice Introduced for First Time in Colombia

Colombia's El Universal writes about this new biofortified crops developed by HarvestPlus and partners

Vegetarian Times on Climate Change and Biofortified Crops

This feature describes how biofortified crops can help offset nutrient-sapping effects of higher CO2 levels while providing other climate-smart agronomic traits. (NOTE: subscriber-access only to this article)

Adding Nutrients to Pancakes in Uganda

The Uganda Monitor describes how iron beans and vitamin A orange sweet potato introduced by HarvestPlus and partners are being used to make healther snacks.

Recent Videos

HarvestPlus on BBC

A new episode of the BBC’s “Follow the Food” series, titled “Food as Medicine,” sheds light on biofortification as an innovative technology to combat micronutrient deficiencies.

Vitamin A Maize in Zimbabwe
Why Biofortification Makes Sense for Businesses
Policy Advancements in Biofortification

Future of Food Systems

Resources for the Media

Research Evidence Brief

A concise compendium of 20 years of research results pertaining to the nutrition, health, and socio-economic impacts of biofortified crops.

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Global Crop Map

This interactive map displays countries where varieties of a given biofortified crop have been released. Select a country to see crops released and in testing, and key nutrition indicators.

Visit Map

Biofortification Priority Index

This interactive site looks at production, consumption, and nutritional profile data to rank countries by how impactful investments in a given biofortified crop will be.

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