The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) is pleased to announce the publication of its 2016 Annual Report, detailing the accomplishments and developments of the fifth and final year of the program’s first phase.
The report highlights research and results from 2016, including:
- The successful expansion of aflasafe, a biocontrol product helping to fight aflatoxin contamination across Africa;
- The Stories of Change in Nutrition case study series, which shares experiences to help countries understand how an enabling environment can combine with policies and programs to drive nutritional improvement;
- The first Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy Week, held in Addis Ababa, which brought together more than 300 participants from around the world to present research and learn from one another;
- A randomized trial of an integrated nutrition-sensitive agriculture program in Burkina Faso; and
- An update on the ongoing impacts of biofortification, with more than 140 varieties of 10 crops released in over 30 countries.
While the activities and accomplishments of each research flagship are laid out, readers will also find a spotlight on A4NH projects and programs in Africa, as well as an update on work related to gender.
As A4NH Director John McDermott notes in the report's opening remarks, “2016 was a transition year, bringing together results from Phase I…and gaining approval for the proposal of a new six-year phase.” With Phase I drawing to a close in 2016, the report offers a retrospective, showcasing the program’s timeline and evolution from its inception in 2012 to the present, in addition to highlighting achievements from 2016. It also offers a look ahead to Phase II, with an overview of how the program will be structured, information on key partners and how the research portfolio will be managed, and insight into how the strategy will shift from a regional to a country-specific emphasis.
To learn more about A4NH’s accomplishments in 2016 and the program’s plans for the future, download the report or contact A4NH Communications Specialist Janet Hodur to request a hard copy.