Ms. Biruri is an international development professional with more than 20 years experience of leadership in global issues such as agriculture, early childhood development, women’s health and financial inclusion. Currently, Maggie is Head of Partnerships and Resource Mobilization at IFPRI-HarvestPlus, a global organization addressing micronutrient deficiency. Before joining HarvestPlus, she served as Partnership Director at Deloitte & Touche. Prior to joining Deloitte, Maggie worked as Senior Resource Mobilization Officer at the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). She previously held leadership roles for 10 years with the International Child Resource Institute in California and Kenya. Maggie serves on multiple international boards including Africa Early Childhood Network and Harambee Arts. Maggie is passionate about mission-led organizations that work with local governments and communities to identify their challenges and develop their own solutions. Maggie holds a Masters degree in Public Administration (MPA).

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