The Nutritious Crop Hausa Radio Service initiative leverages the power of radio to provide information and education to rural farmers in Northern Nigeria. Recognizing the significant role of radio as the primary source of information for households in the region, the program complements ongoing physical extension activities and empowers farmers with valuable knowledge on climate-smart agriculture and nutritious crop production.
Northern Nigeria boasts the highest radio listenership in the country, with nearly every household in Kaduna, Kano, Jigawa, and Gombe states owning a portable radio set. Understanding the reach and influence of this medium, HarvestPlus rolled out the Climate and Nutritious Crop Hausa Radio Service in collaboration with prominent radio stations, such as Freedom FM (Jigawa), Rahama Radio & TV (Kano), Vision FM (Gombe), and Alheri FM (Kaduna). The initiative is part of the Scaling Climate- and Nutrition-Smart Crops Through Market Systems in North Nigeria project, funded with UK aid from the UK government through its Propcom+ program.
The radio service, broadcast once a week, featured a mix of recorded and live segments where farmers actively participated in discussions on topics that directly impact their livelihoods. By providing extension information and education through the radio, the initiative reached approximately 20,000,000 farmers and women by the end of the 2023 harvest season. This extensive outreach ensured that vital agricultural knowledge is accessible to a wide audience, empowering farmers to make informed decisions and adopt climate-smart practices.
Together with hands on training from extension agents, the Climate and Nutrition Crop Hausa Radio service delivers a comprehensive approach to extension services, combining both physical outreach and radio programming to maximize the impact of agricultural knowledge dissemination.
Through this innovative approach, HarvestPlus Nigeria strives to enhance the resilience and productivity of farmers in Northern Nigeria. By providing valuable information on climate-smart agriculture, farmers can adapt to changing environmental conditions and optimize crop production. Additionally, the program emphasizes the importance of nutritious crop production, promoting the adoption of crops enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A maize, iron-enriched millet, and zinc-enriched cowpea.
HarvestPlus Nigeria is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of Nigerians through the production and consumption of nutritious crops. The Climate and Nutritious Crop Hausa Radio Service exemplifies our commitment to reaching rural farmers and empowering them with the knowledge and resources needed for sustainable agricultural practices. Together, we can build a more resilient and food- secure future for Northern Nigeria.